Home » Crown the Coronation The Green Blue way

Crown the Coronation The Green Blue way

Bunting with the union jack pattern hanging in a forest

As the Coronation of King Charles III fast approaches on 06 May, many clubs and individuals will be looking to mark the occasion, but a celebration shouldn’t be at the expense of the environment. Here are our top 6 tips for celebrating the Coronation The Green Blue way…


Think local

Could your party add value to the local economy? Are you thinking of purchasing some decorations or extra food for a tea party? Supporting small businesses such as bakers or local crafters lowers the mileage that your food has had to travel and supports your local economy. Consider the supply chain involved in each of your Coronation celebration purchases, could visiting a local producer be an option?


Go plastic free

Wherever possible, try to minimise single-use plastic at your event – particularly the use ofA white tea pot on a chair with a arrow directing visitors to the Tea Party plastic cutlery, cups and plates. Plastic decorations which you may only use once can also be a huge waste of resources, buying paper alternatives or making your own can also be more fun!


Instead of balloons, which can cause disturbance to wildlife if they make a bid for freedom, you could hang garlands or decorate a room with potted flowers. Glitter can also be harmful to the environment and can poison small mammals, an alternative could be to scatter fresh petals from flowers in your garden or make your confetti from dried petals or herbs. Another way to reduce plastic is to avoid using disposable tea bags and sachets of sugar and sauces.


Travel sustainably

Whether the event is being hosted at your local club or in your back garden, it’s worth considering how guests will travel to the event venue. Is there a possibility that guests could lift share? If anyone is arriving via bicycle are there bicycle racks or storage available? Local transport may be operating on a different timetable so remind guests to check beforehand.


Waste not, want not

Although it may not be at the forefront of your mind when planning your Coronation event, waste andA colourful salad in a clear tub clear-up is as important as the planning and event itself. Adding clearly marked recycling and mixed waste bins will help guests to sort rubbish as they celebrate.


You can also lower the amount of food waste by checking dietary requirements with guests beforehand. Be realistic about how much people will eat and have some Tupperware available to lend to visitors wishing to help with any leftovers.


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!

So, you’ve collected your cakes from the bakers, have made a selection of sandwiches, and you’ve hung your paper bunting, but what about the table decorations? A celebration table deserves a tablecloth, could you make one from odd scrap material from around the house? Decorate it as you wish, the more personal the better. The tablecloth may also become a souvenir to keep for future generations.


Repurposing old jam jars or colourful glassware can add a rustic yet fashionable feel to a table display too. Rather than buying new decorations could you find old memorabilia or old photos from previous Coronations or Jubilees that you could use to decorate the table?


Volunteer Monday

The Bank Holiday Monday following the Coronation (08 May) has been named ‘The Big Help Out.’ ThisThree women are walking along a beach with litter pickers in their hands could be a great opportunity for your sailing club, friends, and family to get together and hold a clean of your local towpath or beach. Maybe the organiser could award a prize for the person that collects the most or strangest piece of rubbish?


If you are thinking of hosting a clean-up in your local area you will need to decide how you will dispose of the rubbish collected. You should also use appropriate protective clothing such as gloves.


If you’re interested in finding out more information about hosting a sustainable event, visit our dedicated ‘Running a sustainable event’ advice page.


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