Home ยป Recreational Marine Boating & Paddling Questionnaire

Recreational Marine Boating & Paddling Questionnaire

If you’re a recreational boater or paddler in the UK then Bangor University and The Green Blue need your help with collecting accurate data of recreational boating and paddling communities.


Do you paddle or boat around the coasts of the UK and Ireland? If so, then this questionnaire is for you.


Bangor University are trying to better understand the recreational boating and paddling industries in the UK. Specifically, they are interested in testing out some education materials you see on forums, at clubs and marinas.


This 15-30 minute questionnaire aims to survey recreational boaters and paddlers in Wales about your boating activities, your knowledge of invasive non-native animals and plants, and the actions you could take to prevent the inadvertent spread of these hitch-hikers. You need no previous knowledge about invasive non-native animals or plants to take part. In fact, if you have no prior knowledge your opinions are especially valuable.


To take part you must:


– – own a boat (including canoe, kayak and any motorised or non-motorised vessel with a hull),

– – have undertaken boating in the Irish Sea at least twice in the past two years,

– – be 18 years of age or older.


Help us learn more about recreational boating by taking part in our 15 minute questionnaire here.


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