One advantage of having a boat is that we can explore hidden bays and beaches, as well as have a great place to hang out when our popular beaches are full. Bays and coves are also a place of safety when the weather changes, providing shelter and security while we wait for a storm to pass. As a boating community we can play our role in safeguarding these beautiful places which we rely on for our livelihoods, enjoyment and wellbeing.
8 April – 8pm – Anchoring and Mooring with Care & 22 April – 8pm – Anchoring and Mooring with Care
Join Kate Fortnam, from The Green Blue, and Loveday Trinick, from the Ocean Conservation Trust, to learn more about seabed habitats such as seagrass, why this habitat is important, and the best practice that recreational boaters can adopt when anchoring and mooring to help safeguard seabed habitats.
In this episode we will explain more about which types of mooring to choose when you are anchoring, and how they help protect the seabed.
Webinar Contents:
1. Introduction to the EU LIFE Recreation ReMEDIES Project #SaveOurSeabed
2. What is seagrass and why is it important?
3. What are the threats to seagrass?
4. How can recreational boaters help to safeguard seabed habitats through anchoring best practice.
5. An introduction to Advanced Mooring Systems (AMS)
6. Q & A