Marine CSI Challenge
What is the Marine CSI Challenge?
This is an onshore educational activity for sailing clubs/centres, organisations or businesses to run themselves during open days, sailing regattas, youth events or as a session with groups of young boaters.
The activity aims to raise awareness of four key environmental issues and the good practice that boaters and sailors can adopt to help safeguard the wildlife and habitats we share our waters with.
Marine CSI covers four environmental boating incidents that have occurred in a fictional crime scene location, known as Paradise Waters. Participants get to solve these incidents through undertaking water quality tests, fingerprint analysis and unscrambling puzzles to determine who the culprits are from a list of six suspects.
Incidents include:
1. An oil spill on a slipway from an overturned container
2. Toxic cleaning chemicals that have entered the water
3. Introduction of several invasive non-native species e.g. Killer Shrimps and Slipper Limpets
4. Items of litter that has been found floating on the water
Who are the six suspects?
Duration: 60min – can also be run as a drop in activity over a longer period of time.
Ages: 7-14 (although parents/adults have enjoyed getting involved as well!)
Instructions: Provided in a guide booklet and video on how to setup and deliver Marine CSI.
Equipment: Provided in a loan box that can be posted to and from your venue.
Worksheets: There is a choice between a simple A5 Recording Card for participants to record their findings on OR a booklet that also challenges the participants to write down the impacts and solutions to the environmental incidents.
How do I book the Marine CSI Kit?
Book your free Marine CSI Challenge loan box by contacting