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Boating Wildlife Aware Week

10th - 14th June 2024


As boaters we are always delighted to encounter wildlife when out on the water or when ashore, be it dolphins riding the bow wave, a group of seals and their pups resting on a rocky outcrop, or a heron stood majestically amongst the reeds.

Wildlife and their habitats in and around our marine and inland waters are under constant pressure from factors such as climate change, development and disturbance from human activity.

Water users and the boating industry have a duty to protect wildlife and enhance the environment. We share the waters we use for our recreation with an amazing array of wildlife, and the presence of people, boats and craft should not necessarily have to cause disturbance. If boats/crafts are handled with sensitivity there can be minimal or no disturbance.

How to Support Our Campaign

Help us to raise awareness of the amazing wildlife we find in and along our coastlines and inland waterways and the best practice we can adopt as boaters to minimise any disturbance or impacts from our activities.
  1. Support our Boating Wildlife Aware Week (10th – 14th June 2024)Follow us on social media @TheGreenBlue on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram use #BoatingWildlifeAware. Share our posts throughout the week on wildlife facts, wildlife watching video guides and top tips for boating around wildlife.
  2. Raise Awareness: Why not use our Awareness Raising Toolkit (Posters, Video Guides, Top Tip Graphics) to raise awareness amongst your fellow boaters, club members and customers.
  3. Be Informed! Find out how to protect our wildlife and habitats when boating by exploring our guidance on the following:
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